Finding Beauty Everywhere: Back Alley

Every time we head to the pub everyone parks their cars in the same spot, walks the same alley way, and ends up at the same entrance.

It’s a force of habit. We have become so intertwined in the same cycle that nothing seems special about this trek to the bar.

As I was walking through the alley the other night, it occurred to me that this would be a great opportunity to seek out beauty. There had to be something beautiful about this walk, this spot of the town, that kept people coming from all over the country to see.

As I was walking I changed my point of view. Instead of looking down, making sure not to misstep, I looked up.

That’s when I saw the sunset reaching over the brick building. The bay window, that is as old as the town itself, overlooks those drinking below. String lights can be seen, indicating casual drinkers enjoying their evening. Even phone lines dice through the image, showing another era that is soon to be forgotten.

This photo shows so many eras in a single snapshot.

Even though I dread being trapped in a small town, I just have to search for that breathtaking moment and it makes me realize that this is a pretty spot. People travel here for a reason. It is beautiful.

Sometimes it’s hard to feel stuck in one place. But, a change of perspective is all you need to make that place bearable for another night.